Présentation of Sheep Ladoum

Ladoum Sheep 1
  Ladoum is a sheep native to Senegal. It belongs to the group of Moorish short-haired sheep. It is a large breed, the ram measuring 115 cm on average at the withers. The dominant dresses are the white and pie-black dresses. Both male and female have white horns, white hooves and very light eyes.

The breed is characterized by:

    good bone structure;
    a wide basin;
    a well convex chamfer;
    a hypermetric and elongated body;
    an average height at the withers of 115 ± 5 cm in males and 100 ± 5 cm in females, considering the age class;
    the body length is 105 ± 5 cm in the male and 95 ± 5 cm in the female.

Ladoum Sheep 2
 Ladoum is one of the four main breeds of sheep in Sénégal, but it is also the rarest and most sought after. It is very popular with the well-to-do classes of the country for the Muslim holiday of Aid or Tabaski.


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