
Affichage des articles du décembre, 2020

Senegalese ladoum, a sheep "exempt" from Sacrifice

  Produced by the intermediary of mixed local species, the ladoum is a variety "of luxury" which is not intended for consumption, and whose only advantage lies in its high market value, which can go up to the equivalent. of 25,000 USD. "Ladoum is an improved breed obtained through a cross between azawad and toubabir [local species, editor's note]", explains Anadolu Adama Diouf, a sheep breeder for thirty years. "What appeals the most to the ladoum is the elegance it exudes and the harmony in form," notes Cheikh Seck, a great fan of purebred sheep. Dissecting the characteristics that make the ladoum particular, Seck evokes "the curved head with a muzzle, the dewlap at the throat, the tail around 60 cm" without forgetting the height at the withers of the animal "up to 1 meter 10 in the male and 1 meter in the female. " The aura of the ladoum is such today that all around this unusual sheep is developing a very lucrative business. ...

Présentation of Sheep Ladoum

  Ladoum is a sheep native to Senegal. It belongs to the group of Moorish short-haired sheep. It is a large breed, the ram measuring 115 cm on average at the withers. The dominant dresses are the white and pie-black dresses. Both male and female have white horns, white hooves and very light eyes. The breed is characterized by:     good bone structure;     a wide basin;     a well convex chamfer;     a hypermetric and elongated body;     an average height at the withers of 115 ± 5 cm in males and 100 ± 5 cm in females, considering the age class;     the body length is 105 ± 5 cm in the male and 95 ± 5 cm in the female.  Ladoum is one of the four main breeds of sheep in Sénégal, but it is also the rarest and most sought after. It is very popular with the well-to-do classes of the country for the Muslim holiday of Aid or Tabaski.